
Pampered Pup offers a top-quality total grooming service for your canine friends – by appointment. We schedule so as not to overbook which keeps the environment pleasant and stress-free for everyone. Short rest sessions are built into your pet’s appointment to ensure a positive experience. If the grooming schedule allows on Mon, Tues and Wed a half day of daycare can be included in your dog’s day at $15. If your pet is matted this approach is especially important as it allows play breaks throughout their day. Please book your pet’s grooming appointment with this in mind.

Our Groomers are highly trained and skilled in their craft. Sabrinas background of grooming sets a high standard with attention to detail for all Groomers at Pampered Pup LLC.
Tatiana, our groomer, is a graduate of Whole Pet Grooming Academy. She has worked in the industry since 2014 and has worked as a groomer for 1 year. Tatiana is a mom to a 3-year-old boy and 4 pups of her own! She loves being able to use her artistic talent and love of dogs each day at work. She adores getting creative requests!
The various shampoos offered are all top of the line products. The pet’s skin and coat condition will help us determine which product is best suited to your pet’s needs. We are happy to instruct you on your particular pet’s grooming needs for at-home care. Using the proper brushes, combs, etc. for your pet’s skin and coat greatly helps in keeping your pet comfortable, healthy and beautiful. We also carry products for pet hygiene.
Grooming includes:
• Toenails trimmed and buffed
• Ears cleaned
• Thorough brushing
• Bathing – a luster shampoo, then a conditioning shampoo
• Fluff drying
• Clipping and styling
• Detailed finish work to owner’s specifications
Also available are:
• Flea and tick treatments
• Medicated treatments
• De-skunk treatments
• Brush-outs only; popular for coated canines in between full grooms
We also offer small animal nail clippings for bunnies, guinea pigs, and similar animals by appointment only. Inquire for exact details.
Fees are determined by the size, the condition of coat and the amount of styling for each pet. An approximate fee schedule can be found below. De-matting is charged by the hour. A firm quote is available upon examination.
Grooming is offered Sun, Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs and Fri.
Drop off is available as early as 6:30am and pick-up as late as 6pm. Extended Pickup is available 6-8 pm for $15.